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Assessing and Reviewing Progress

A member of staff will regularly meet with you to discuss the interventions/support that is going to be put in place to support your child and the expected impact on progress, development or behaviour with a clear date for review. This will reinforce the contribution that you can make at home.

Staff working with the pupil (with the support of the SENDCo) will oversee the implementation of the interventions or programmes agreed as part of SEND support.

After a period of time the impact of the support is evaluated by all those involved and any changes are agreed in light of your child’s progress and development. You will be given clear information about the impact of the support provided and you will be involved in planning the next steps. 

Small steps of learning are used to monitor/show progress when a teacher feels it is a concern and to support target writing. 

Statutory assessment arrangements for pupils working below the standard of national curriculum assessments include ‘pupil can’ statements (pre-key stage standards), representing the key aspects of each subject which allow for progression towards the national curriculum. These standards will be used for statutory assessment at the end of key stage 1 for pupils working below the standard of national curriculum assessments engaged in subject-specific study.

Pupils working below the level of the national curriculum and not engaged in subject-specific study will be assessed using the Engagement Model which is a teacher assessment tool for pupils who are at key stage 1 (KS1). Pupils may be assessed using the Engagement Model if they have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), which mean they cannot demonstrate recognisable and specific skills, knowledge and understanding in:

  • English language comprehension and reading
  • English writing
  • mathematics
  • As such, they are unable to engage in such subject-specific study.
  • The engagement model is formed of 5 areas of engagement:
  • exploration
  • realisation
  • anticipation
  • persistence
  • initiation

For more information see Section 3b of the full version of the SEND Information Report